hehehehehehehehe...jarang ai nak hepi-hepi ni...ngeeeeeee...arini dapat the last result for my degree or lebih tepat lagi result FYP is Design a Shorted Patch Antenna with Dual-Frequency Operation (sound weird huh?)..
utk FYP ni, my expectation is only B +- coz ai rasa ai xcukup wat yang terbaik pun...unfortunately during my FYP VIVA a.k.a presentation, one of my fav lecturer said that my thesis is the best thesis in the world... IN THE WORLD... hiperbola kan ayat lecturer i tu... hehehehe... so happy + proud + kmbang idong (hahaha) for hearing that statement from the expert of microwave subjct in my Uni, Dr. Razel..
But i still not confident with my FYP until today... hehehehehe....i got an A! Alhamdulillah! no words can describe my feeling! so so so so so so so happy!
thank you Mdm. Isma (my suprvisor)... thank you Dr. Razel... thank you friends especially my housemates... thank you all! yeay! Let's hunt for the job!
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oh ini bkn saya...gambar hiasan semata-mata ye kawan2.. ;) |
IniNotaKaki: nak sambung lompat-lompat atas katil...ngeeee (^_^)